Class Notes – July 10, 2012


In attendance: Alex, Joe C., David D., Mosi, Brian, Ann, Asim, Ryan, Bob, Lem, Philip and Colin.

Colin returned to train during his summer break and asked about tomahawk material. We reviewed Tuhon Raf’s tomahawk template, but since there weren’t enough trainers to go around, we had to improvise using bolos, sticks and knives.

Photo courtesy of Jackie Sayoc, who has been a surprise guest observer (and photographer) for a number of classes this summer.


Class Notes – July 3, 2012

Guro Lem and Kapatids Joe and David taught class while I was out of the country …

Attendees: Joe C, Ann, Alex, Lem, David, Ryan, Phillip (new)

We started with reviewing TD 1 and later taught silak moves to TD 1. After a few rounds, we introduced a mass attack scenario utilizing silak techniques used in TD 1.

Joe taught majority of the class and David explained what ‘modifiers’ are and why we use them.

Good Class!



Class Notes – April 17, 2012

While I was out of town, Guro Lem, David and Mosi took over teaching duties …

Guro Lem’s notes:

We reviewed 5 count passing drill with grappling isolations. After a few reps with the drill, Mosi had us free flow. We tried to work on technique than strength or knee jerking actions. Later, David had us back to back and had the Feeder initiate the attack. This scenario was to assimilate a surprise attack. Nice class!

Mosi’s notes:

In the class from two weeks ago, Lem started the class with us continuing the “five-count” take-downs. David led class next, but my mind is drawing a blank on what he focused on.  Then I finished the class with trying to get the guys to free flow (whatever drills they knew) with intent (which was perfect considering last week’s class).

In attendance (if I remember correctly… I’m getting old!): Lem, David, myself, Frank, Bryan, Ryan, Asim, Zavid, and Alex.


Class Notes – August 9, 2011

In attendance: Joe C., David D., Tyus, Brian, Colin, Bryant, Bob and Tavon. Prospective students Tony and Martin observed.

Class began with transition drills. Joe, David and Brian worked on polishing Transition Drill 5. Tyus, Colin, Bryant and Tavon worked on Transition Drill 1.

The second half of class was spent introducing the 14 count Receiver Grips.