Class Notes – March 16, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Keith H. and Tom M. Prospective students: David D. and Adam B.

I spent most of the class with the new prospects, neglecting everyone else shamefully.

Joe, Keith and Tom immediately began taking turns feeding and receiving 3/9 tapping. The feeder needs to remember to pay attention to the left hand techniques. They are as important as the right hand attacks, if not more so. The receiver needs to remember to step the left foot back when clearing 7.

The second half of class was spent on the 5 count palusot drill. They began with using just the left hand. This is to emphasize the importance of the passes before “complicating” the drill with the right hand.

The last part of class was spent sparring with padded sticks. 1-on-1 and 3-on-2 (letting the prospects play too).


Class Notes – March 9, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Keith H. and Tom M.

We warmed up with Atienza Kali hourglass footwork for 10 to 15 minutes, long enough to break a sweat. Speed and smoothness will only come with repetition, and we definitely need a strong foundation as we develop our long blade skills.

Next, we returned to the Atienza Kali long blade evolution.

  • Moves 1-4: Feeder 1 uses retreating point down deflections. Feeder 2 uses point up deflections.
  • Moves 5-6: Lateral point down deflections.
  • Moves 7-8: Slip counters from point up deflections.

Footwork (from the AK hourglass) is critical! I can’t emphasize this enough.

The Sayoc Kali portion of class was spent on 3/9 tapping. Obsessive-compulsive attention to detail now will make it easier to progress to 3/9 true left.

Class ended with free flow. Joe stabbed me in the left nipple.


Hold the Date: Internal Seminar

No, we won’t be practicing qigong. This will be an informal training session open to all members of our group, including the NOVA training group. We will meet at an ultra-secret location (probably my house) on March 19, 2006, from 1 to 5 pm. Cost: $20. Email me for more information.