Class Notes – November 16, 2006

111606In attendance: Bob Shin and Lem Tasin (instructing), Joe C., Jonathan H., Adam L., Pat R., and Aaron T.We started out by placing a large pile of live blades in the middle of the training floor. We then reviewed our protocol for examining live blades, with an emphasis on safety. We looked at a variety of styles of blades, sheaths, and carry systems. Memorable blades include a box cutter, a switchblade that made it through two TSA checkpoints, some kind of klingon/krull blade, and a number of custom/hand crafted blades.The second half of class was spend reviewing two additional entries from the 5 count palusot drill, using putar kepala in one and a headlock in the other.No class next week. Happy Thanksgiving!


Class Notes – November 9, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Bryan D., Jonathan H., Keith H., Jon K., Adam L., and Derek L.We began warmed up with TD 1, then moved right into the 5 count palusot drill. Once the basic movements were installed, we drilled isolations for the first two moves. Each isolation should end with a dominant control position, “zeroing” the opponent.Next class, we will continue with these isolations.


Class Notes – November 2, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Bryan D., Bethany G., Jonathan H., Dan H., Pat R., and Aaron T.We spent the class reviewing and cleaning up TD 2 (Joe and Aaron) and TD 1 (everyone else). In order to reinforced targeting, we covered the TD 1 template as well.