Class Notes – July 20, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Keith H., Tom M., Aaron T., David D., Derek L., and Adam B.Before class, Derek retrieved my trainer from behind the Bench of Doom. He’s getting really good at that.We spent this class working on the C (Cortes) template 1. We reviewed both the feeder and receiver templates, and then paired off to practice them against each other.The last part of class was spent in light sparring with padded sticks. As always, we emphasized avoiding the double kill. I was pleased to see a lot of good techniques being used.


Class Notes – June 15, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Adam B., Paul B., Joe C., David D., Maria H., Derek L., Tom M., Pat R., Aaron T., Chris V.Maria, Joe, Paul and Derek worked on transition drill 2. Aaron and Adam reviewed 3/9 tapping then worked on the beginning of transition drill 1. Tom went over 3/9 tapping with the newest students.The second part of class was spent covering the SFS material from last weekend’s seminar with Tuhon Felix. The 12 counts of C template 1 were covered, along with the first 4 counts of the complementary receiver template.


SFS Seminar – June 10, 2006

tuhon felix

We had a great turnout for Tuhon Felix’s seminar … Participants came from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia!

Tuhon Felix covered the feeder and receiver templates of the C template 1. We worked on generating power by practicing the templates on a bag. We also practiced using the receiver template to counter the feeder template. Great material, and a great re-introduction to the Sayoc Fighting System!


Class Notes – May 11, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Adam B., Paul B., Joe C. and prospective student Aaron T.Rainy evening. Small class. We warmed up with AK hourglass footwork.We worked on the Atienza Kali long blade evolution, which introduces the concept of fighter types.We worked through the first four to six moves slowly, alternating between aluminum trainers, rattan sticks, and foam sticks.I let Adam and Aaron work on the 3/9 right hand template, while Joe and Paul sparred. I rotated in to spar with both Joe and Paul. As always, the challenge is to get the clean shot, without the dreaded “double kill”.Joe discovered a flaw in his Mark II blade simulator. I am looking forward to the Mark III.


Class Notes – April 20, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Adam B., Paul B., Joe C., Keith H., Derek L., and Tom M.We warmed up with some Atienza Kali hourglass footwork, including the switch step variation. We also did the footwork with long slashes.Once everyone had a chance to work on the hourglass, we switched to the SFS 4 Count Template. Instead of executing the template standing still, we set up three targets and had everyone execute the template on the run at full power.With everyone warmed up, we sparred one-on-one.The last part of class was spent on transition drills.Derek and Joe reviewed TD 1 through TD 3. Then we worked through about half of TD 4. Everyone else worked on TD 1.The rescue mission was aborted (mostly because no one brought a coat hanger). We’ll try next time. It’s not like the trainers are going anywhere …


Save the date! SFS seminar (June 10, 2006)

SFS Seminar with Tuhon Felix CortesSaturday June 10th (10AM to 4PM)

ARNIS-TKD-ACADEMY5572-A Silver Hill RdDistrict Heights, MD 20747

This seminar will cover the Sayoc Fighting System receiver and feeder templates, plus counters and variations of the template.This is material that will be taught at Sama Sama 2006, so if you can’t make Sama Sama or you just want to get a preview of the SFS material, this is a must-attend event! The cost for the seminar is $75.Email me for more info.


Class Notes – March 16, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Keith H. and Tom M. Prospective students: David D. and Adam B.

I spent most of the class with the new prospects, neglecting everyone else shamefully.

Joe, Keith and Tom immediately began taking turns feeding and receiving 3/9 tapping. The feeder needs to remember to pay attention to the left hand techniques. They are as important as the right hand attacks, if not more so. The receiver needs to remember to step the left foot back when clearing 7.

The second half of class was spent on the 5 count palusot drill. They began with using just the left hand. This is to emphasize the importance of the passes before “complicating” the drill with the right hand.

The last part of class was spent sparring with padded sticks. 1-on-1 and 3-on-2 (letting the prospects play too).