Atienza Kali Seminar – October 20, 2012

L to R: Bob S., Tuhon Carl Atienza, Chris R., Lem T., Ryan M.

We started out with the Atienza Kali Bolo Evolution 1 drill, then worked on the bolo and knife material.

1. Load blade (LH) then projectile.
3. Load blade (LH) thrust kidney/armpit.
5. Thrust heart (LH).
7. Thrust throat, jam with forearm (LH). Hubud (RH).
9. Parry heart thrust (LH) into snake lock. Arcing thrust (RH) to carotid hack.

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Atienza Kali Seminar – Oct 24, 2009

In attendance: Tuhon Carl and Silak Dianne Atienza, Bob, Miguel, Mosi, Paul, Sam, the other David, Rick V., Mike, Chris, Ervin and Eloy.

Tuhon Carl introduced us to AK mass attack using both long blade and knife. We drilled a variety of isolations, then applied them in two-on-one, three-on-one, and eventually six-on-one. We also reviewed and analyzed footage of real-life mass attack scenarios.

Thanks to all who attended, especially Ervin and Eloy who drove up from Virginia Beach, Paul who allowed us to use his family’s farm, and of course Tuhon Carl and Silak Dianne Atienza!


Atienza Kali Seminar – Dec 1, 2007

tuhon carlIn attendance: Tuhon Carl Atienza and Silak Dianne Atienza (instructing), Bob Shin, Lem Tasin, Undrea W., and Eric S.

We had a great seminar and picked up a lot of information, including a detailed breakdown of AK evolution 1 and fighter types. It was Undrea’s and Eric’s first formal AK experience, but they both did great. We have tentative plans to bring Tuhon Carl back in March, so keep your calendars open!


Atienza Kali Seminar – June 9, 2007

atienza kali gurosJoe C., Derek L., Lem T., and I had a great session with Tuhon Carl and Guros Leo, Josh, Anaam, and Will.

We covered right hand targeting chains from Evo 1 and Evo 2. With Evo 1, we practiced the targeting chains with hourglass footward. We also began to install Evo 2.

At the end of the seminar, we did some light sparring with the guros and Tuhon Carl. Naturally, this was very educational and a lot of fun.