Trauma First Response Course – February 3, 2013


In attendance: Joe C., Ann M., David D., Joe M., Alex C., Tricia T., Bob S., Lem T., Alex E., and Victor W.

Chris Van Houten, NREMT-P taught a one-day seminar covering principles of pre-hospital trauma life support. We learned how to recognize life threatening injuries and to correctly use potentially life saving medical items such as tourniquets and hemostatic agents. Turn out was great despite our scheduling the seminar for Super Bowl Sunday!


Class Notes – September 7, 2010

In attendance: Roderick, Joe, David, Brian, Asim, Ryan, Bryant, Frank, Bob, Tavon and prospective students Will and Brian (Tavon’s friend).

We spent the night on some tactical scenario training. Roderick, David and Ryan took turns walking down “the street” dealing with various encounters:

  • Roderick avoided the clumsy drunk (Frank) and the talkers (Tavon, his friend Brian, and Will), but forgot to defend himself when assaulted by the muggers (Joe and Bryant).
  • David did a pretty good job taking care of the muggers (Joe and Bryant), but also slashed the clumsy drunk (Frank) and the clueless tourist (Brian).
  • Ryan, accompanied by his wife Roderick, managed to avoid the jugglers (Asim and Tavon) and the drunk (Frank). Ryan shot the muggers (Joe and Bryant). Immediately afterward, Roderick stabbed the clueless tourist (Brian)!

The post-scenario assessments were interesting. The second round (David and Tavon’s friend Brian) went better as both sides learned from the initial go-round.


Class Notes – August 10, 2010

Joe C. ran class while my family and I were on vacation …

Attendance: me, Dave, Mosi, Brian, Asim, Roderick

We worked the application draws from concealment as well as Tuhon Tom’s entry to draw drills and ended with a little light free flow in which the receiver tried to draw his blade from concealment in flow.Enjoy the beach!!!!


Congratulations to Abdi Farah, one of Joe’s former art students, who won Bravo’s Work of Art competition!


Sama Sama 2010 (July 2 – 5, 2010)

sama sama 2010

L to R: Ervin, Miguel, Mosi, Bob, Tuhon Tom, Shawn, Joe, Warren and Mike.

The weather was perfect up in the Poconos for Sama Sama this year. Maryland was represented by Joe C. and Mosi, Northern Virginia by Vedo and Alfred, Virginia Beach by Ervin and Mike D., and Western New York by Warren.

As always, it was great reuniting with old friends. Shawn G. and Chuck and Kara returned to Sama Sama after a long absence. Bob B. was back in his traditional role as videographer. Joe M. and J.P. were there along with many others.

The training included basic curriculum as well as sessions featuring Tuhon Tom Kier (tactical holstering/drawing and family dynamics) and Tuhon Carl Atienza (using the bolo sheath as a weapon). Saturday night included a sayaw and midnight tracking/navigation session.

I hope that everyone had a good time and made some new friends!


Tuhon Tom Kier Seminar – June 27, 2009

tuhon tomThis seminar was hosted by John Bailie and held at Vanguard Gym in Manassas, VA.

Tuhon Tom taught a great seminar as always, covering stickgrappling, focusing on chokes and levers, and gun counters.

Nice turnout included members of Maharlika Martial Arts, Buffalo Martial Arts and Arnis DC. Guro Ervin Quintin from Virginia Beach participated and is interested in forming a training group. It was fun to train and make new friends at the same time!