Atienza Kali Seminar – Oct 24, 2009

In attendance: Tuhon Carl and Silak Dianne Atienza, Bob, Miguel, Mosi, Paul, Sam, the other David, Rick V., Mike, Chris, Ervin and Eloy.

Tuhon Carl introduced us to AK mass attack using both long blade and knife. We drilled a variety of isolations, then applied them in two-on-one, three-on-one, and eventually six-on-one. We also reviewed and analyzed footage of real-life mass attack scenarios.

Thanks to all who attended, especially Ervin and Eloy who drove up from Virginia Beach, Paul who allowed us to use his family’s farm, and of course Tuhon Carl and Silak Dianne Atienza!


Class Notes – August 4, 2009

In attendance: Joe, David, Josh, William, Mosi, Phil, Michael, Frank, Bob and Aaron.Class began with conditioning, including Aaron’s “twist and shout” ab work.We then divided up the class based on competence with 3/9 tapping, transition drill 1, kayan 10 count drill, 7 count passing, and transition drill 2. Aaron and Joe also reviewed AK long blade evolution 1 and AK two sword siniwali.Class ended with pull ups. William and Josh led the class with 18 each.