In attendance: Bob Shin and Lem Tasin (instructing), Joe C., David D., Dean F., Bethany G., Jonathan H., Keith H., Derek L., Tom M., Pat R., Aaron T., and prospective students Jon K. and Bryan D.We had a surprise visit from Tuhon Tom Kier, Guro Victor Wong, and blademaker Justin Garvey, who had been attending the TREXPO (Tactical Response Expo) outside of DC.The more experienced students reviewed the 7 count passing drill, then advanced to TD 1 silak. Tuhon Tom corrected some of our movements and encouraged us to work on reducing any pauses in our movements that would break our flow. The newer students worked on 3/9 tapping. Tuhon Tom was pleased with the quality of the students, and no one was flogged.Justin G. showed us some of his tactical drop point blades and talked about the ergonomics of the design. Awesome stuff!Don’t forget about projectile training at Joe’s on Saturday …