Class Notes – March 29, 2007

In attendance: Bob Shin and Lem Tasin (instructing), Joe C., Keith H., Dan H., Jonathan J., and Aaron T.We warmed up with the AK long blade evolution, with particular attention to the two-count techniques. After that, the more advanced students reviewed TD 1-3, then returned to the first third of knife drill 1. Next, we installed the second third of the drill. Just for fun, I introduced some of the skill sets as well.Jonathan and Dan tightened up 3/9 tapping, then installed the 3/10 smoking knife template. The two of them ended class with light stick sparring.


Class Notes – March 15, 2007

In attendance: Bob Shin (instructing), Joe C., Adam L., Derek L., and Aaron T.We worked on some basic Atienza Kali long blade material, including AK hourglass footwork, with some basic variations, and long and short slashes. We then worked on minimizing any telegraphing with our short slashes, then ended class with some sparring.Derek filmed some of the sparring and sent me this wmv clip, which highlights some of my incredible footwork.


Class Notes – December 7, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin, Lem Tasin, Keith H., and Aaron T.Small class tonight, just the four of us. We warmed up with 3/9 tapping and TD 1, then worked on the SFS 15 count two-vs-two stick drill.The drill has four sections. We covered the first two sections: the 6 count and 4 count drills, feeder and receiver parts.


Class Notes – October 26, 2006

In attendance: Lem Tasin (instructing), Adam B., Joe C., Bryan D., the other David D., Bethany G., Jonathan H., Jon K., Adam L., Pat R., and Aaron T.Lem ran the class in my absence. Here are his notes:

Beginning of class, we split up into two groups. Joe took one group that knew TD 1 and TD 2 and they practiced those drills. The other group practiced 3 of 9 tapping.Brian and John also worked on 5 count palusot drills. Patrick and Jonathan reviewed TD 1 and 10 count palusot drill (circular). Bethany and David worked on 3 of 9 template and tapping.After that we did some fun stuff again. We ran four laps and ten push-ups, followed by 3of 9 tapping. This was repeated three times, however the third time, I turned off the lights.The last part of class, Joe reviewed tip down deflections to angle 1 and 2. We also drilled this using a pad and soft-stix (feeder 1) so feeder 2 can hit back as soon as he deflected. We ended class after this.


Class Notes – August 31, 2006

In attendance: Bob Shin and Lem Tasin (instructing), Joe C., David D., Bethany G., Adam L., Pat R., Aaron T. and the other David D.We continued installing TD 1 silak, getting through isolation 7. The newer students installed TD 1, getting through isolation 4. I am hoping that the slower pace of material will help everyone get the details down right the first time.For fun, we introduced mass attack concepts using the padded sticks: two-on-one, three-on-one, etc. People picked up the concept of stacking pretty quickly.Plan for next class: Finish up the current drill and introduce the sak-sak drill.


Projectile training and more …

Saturday, August 26, 2006In attendance: Miguel and Francisco A., Joe C., David D., Dean F., Bethany G., Jonathan H., Pat R., Bob S., and Aaron T.We met Saturday morning in Joe’s backyard where he had set up a number of targets for projectile training. We threw knives, bayonets, tomahawks, and (my favorite) a cleaver.We also practiced whip cracking and sparred with padded sticks.It was a lot of fun. Thanks Joe for setting the whole thing up!