Class Notes – May 24, 2016 – 3 of 9 Review and 7 Count Passing Drill
Instructing: Brian
Attendance: Asim, Ryan, Dan, Sid, and Lance
All the Guro’s were away tonight and could not make it to class. Luckily tonight’s class was run by senior student, Brian. Thanks Brian!
Reviewed 3 of 9 template right and left hand, tapping 3 of 9, and left defeats right. Then did 7 count passing using the line drill.
Class Notes – May 17, 2016 – TD1 & C-Template Stick
Instructing: Guro Lem & Guro Joe M
Attendence: Brian, Asim, Dan, Lance, and Alex
We started tonight with TD1 and it’s template. After going over the template for TD1, we reviewed the tapping for each target. Then, we practiced the two lines drill with at least 5 rotations. We got a lot of good reps tonight with different partners. Later, we went over the stick template and counters again. Last time we did this they requested that we go over it again. This time around, Guro Joe M, gave some good pointers to add for the drill. Maybe next time we can spar with the smaksticks to see how effective their techniques are coming along.
Class Notes – May 10, 2016 – Sayoc, 3 of 9 Template
Instructing: Guro Lem
Attendance: Lance, Sid, Brian, Asim, and Ryan
Tonight’s class we worked on reviewing battang tuhon 3 of 9 template. Most of the class were senior students so we also went over some teaching methodologies from Sayoc. We started going over the right hand template. Discussed about how to give constructive feedback when correcting technique. Discussed about the different responses within the drill: reflexive, conditioned, and correct responses. Then, we reviewed Receiver’s side cross-tapping. After the review, we made two lines to get drilling reps with everyone in the group. The group really liked that exercise and suggested we try it with transitional drills in the future too. Lastly, we went over left defeats right template.
Class Notes – May 3, 2016 – AK Deflections & Sayoc Stick Template
Instructing: Guro Lem
Attendance: Sid, Lance, Dan, Brian, Alex, Asim, and Ryan
Started class off with Atienza Kali’s tip-up and tip-down deflections from sword evo. After getting a few reps, we changed direction and worked on Sayoc stick C-template material since not everyone had aluminum trainers. We went over the stick template first. Each one of us paired up and worked on Feeding the 12-counts as their partner was standing in scarecrow. After running through the Feeder’s side, we worked on learning the Receiver counters.
Class Notes – April 26, 2016 – Transitional Drills
Instructing: Guro Joe C, Guro Joe, and Guro Lem
Attendence: Brian, Dan, Asim, and Alex
The weather has been awesome these past few days, so we decided to have class outside. We started off with reviewing transitional drills (what each one knew). Most of the class knew up to td’s 1-5. We ended fine tuning td 5 and making sure each one got the Receiver’s side. Most of the class did well when tapping, but when it came to the control point of the drill (when Feeder’s arm and head is controlled) even Guro Lem was having problems isolating that blade arm. We figured out that using the right hand to pull down the top of the head and using the left hand to control the blade arm was more effective when transitioning from cop-lock (3 point lock, chicken-wing, kimura) to the control point.
Later, we utilized the sunset and darkness as a training modifier. We ended class with some light free-flow (sparring).
Self Defense and the Law
Hey guys,
I’m out this month for work but, I came upon this article that relates to conversations we have had in class concerning legalities. Its sobering to say the least. Check it out.
Guro Joe C.