Instructors: David Davis and Lem Tasin
Attendance: Frank Raspa, Tyus Durant, Bryant Nelson, Jarod B, Brian Keller, Asim,
Everyone should have a general concept of the following terms such as shielding, checking, tapping, and situation awareness, as well as how these terms translate into movement that informs your decision-making. What is the difference between shielding, checking, and tapping?
- Shielding describes the use of the back of the forearms to protect your body. (demo)
- Checking describes the use and positioning of the live hand or guardian hand to monitor the feeder’s free limb while your main hand is tapping the attack. (demo)
- Tapping means to deflect the force of the attack away from the body (with in the shoulder distance of your structure). In principle, you should tap with enough force so that you know that the attack is within your peripheral view.
- Situation awareness describes the mental process that, we train our minds to perform when placed in stressful situations. Situation awareness is the single most important formula in self-awareness because it teaches you how to process patterns such as opportunity, place, and attack strategy. For instance, it is important when in situations to understand when facing confrontational individuals, their intent. For instance if there are individual wearing a particular type of clothing in an odd environment is it because, they are homeless or are they trying to conceal the patterns of a weapon?