Class Notes- Jan. 14th 2014

Guros Joe M. and Joe C. instructing, Attendance: Brian, Ryan, Robert, and Dan

We continued installing 3 of 9 Left Defeats Right and added some structured intensity.  We focused on maintaining proper range and taking the feeders ground with each counter instead of retreating or trying to make too much space.  We also tried having the receiver (or feeder 2) starting the drill from the draw and drawing in reverse grip.


Class Notes – July 2, 2013

Guro Lem instructing:

Attendance: Jon, Brandon, Robert E., Lem, David, Asim, and Ryan

Notes:David taught Jon and Brandon. His notes will follow. I had the rest of the guys perform 3 of 9 w/tapping. We also worked on pendulum and corkscrew tapping. Discussed the differences between the two.
Also, Asim and Ryan worked in some funnel taps. After warm-ups, we would tap to get to the left side of the attack (Feeder’s right side) and then used the left hand as a c-clamp or posted with the right forearm. Later, we simulated a hold up with a knife near the door and hand rail and one of the guys had to get past the the person with the knife using what we had just practiced. Good training!
Later, Ryan and Asim practiced transitional drills 1 through 7.

Class Notes – February 12, 2013

In attendance:  Joe C., Lem, Joe M., Brian, Asim, Ann, Ryan, and Robert E.

Guro Joe C:

  • Guro Lem taught Ann and Robert 3 of 9.  More details from Guro Lem?
  • Joe C taught Brian, Asim and Ryan TD 6.
  • Joe M taught Joe C and Lem 3 of 9 empty hand.  WEST SIIIIDE!!!

Guro Lem:

Robert and Ann performed 3 of 9 template and w/tapping. Then, tried left hand mirrors right hand template. Near the end of class, we started left hand template (left defeats right).


Class Notes – December 11, 2012

L to R: Guro Bethany, Guro Joe M., Guro Joe C., Ann, Bryant, Brian, Ryan, Guro Bob, Guro Lem, Frank, David D., and Asim (not pictured).

Guro Bethany is in town for a few weeks and joined us as we continued to work on different variations on Panuntukan Set 1 (e.g., working off of the jab-cross)

We ended class with some practice drawing trainers from concealment. David D. had some trouble deploying his folder (0 for 3), Brian managed to stab through his T-shirt, and I dropped a trainer down my pants. Apparently, we need to work on this a bit more …